Cantina Ribela
Chiara e Daniele
The estate is located in a place with centuries-old winemaking tradition called Frascati, within the Castelli Romani Park. In particular, the historical name of the small independent valley where we operate is Pentima dei frati. The wine makers, Chiara Bianchi and Daniele Presutti use the typical varieties of the area: Malvasia from Candia and Lazio, Yellow, Tuscan and Green Trebbiano, Bombino and Bellone for white wines; common Cesanese, Aleatico, Sangiovese and Montepulciano for red wines. The name Ribelà derives from a dialectal term used in Monte Porzio Catone “ribelare” which means to cover the newly planted vines with earth. The gesture of hilling the land around the vine with a hoe or a spade not only is the symbol of a new beginning to us, but also of continuous renewal of what is meant to be a great wine-growing history to be taken care of. In fact, we believe that a good story and a suitable terroir can only lead to quality wines.
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