Folklór Olaszrizling orange

- Burgenland / Austria - 2022 -orange


The label is an embroidery called Matyó and is Hungarian protected world heritage and represents Hungarian folk-art culture. With the Folklór labels, the emphasis is on (playful) vinification. The term orange wine is given to white wines that also stay in contact with the skins for a while, this gives the wines more complexity, body and preservation power. As the wine comes into more contact with oxygen during the skin aging process, some oxidation occurs and the wine gets its much-discussed "orange" colour. Not every orange wine looks very orange, it depends on the duration of the maceration, the type of grape variety (as every grape variety has a different sensitivity to oxidation) and also how inert this contact was carried out. A wine that stays e.g. 1 month in an open fermentation vat is more susceptible to oxidation than a wine that undergoes peeling contact in a closed inox cuve. So there are +50 shades of orange - don't focus on the colour, just what's in your glass ;-)
The grapes come from South Burgenland and grow on slate, 2 weeks of skin contact during fermentation, after pressing this wine goes into a very old 1000L barrel. Very fun fact is that red wine from the Blaufränkisch had previously aged in this barrel and despite a good steam bath, a touch of pink was still added to our wine.
Floral nose with a slightly mouth-filling attack and a very subtle bitterness inherent to skin softening.

Olaszrizling (= Welschriesling)

Witloof au gratin with ham, the Flemish classic, Risotto with forest mushrooms, veal, roast chicken, charcuterie platter there are endless possibilities.

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